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মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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List of Service Price

Price list of services

Price list of Muchapur union information and service center: -

1. Online birth registration - 30 / -

2. Online Application Application - 150 / -

3. Laminating - 20 / -

4. Fill the Portport Form - 50 / -

5.Compouse- 20 / -

6.Catching -30 / -

7.Internet Browsing.

8. Photocopy-2 / -

9. Payment of electricity bill every 10 / -

10.Mobile banking

11.Signing -10 / -

12.E-Mail-20 / -

13.Visa Check 50 / -

14. Life Insurance Corporation.

15. Agriculture information-20 / -

16. Health Info-20 / -

17. Weight measurement - / - 2

18. Talking at home and abroad in Skype-2 minutes / -

19. According to computer repair-type of work.

20. Various public exam marks sheet-15- /

21. Electricity meter application-100- /